How to Make a House a Home Without Spending a Fortune

Let’s face it….when you move there are all kinds of expenses!  Not only the move itself and changing of utilities and what not, but then there’s the decorating of a new house.  Oh the decorating of a new house gets me so excited.  Just a side note:  I’m a decorating junkie.  I love everything about it and love HGTV and I love to peruse Pinterest and waste valuable amounts of time fixated on how to decorate a room.  Ok, now that that information is out, let’s continue shall we?  It seems like every time I move, there’s always furniture that you don’t have a place for in the new house.  BUT the sad part is I don’t have a Pottery Barn budget so I’ve had to get a bit creative with each and every move.  Oh and did I mention that I’m a mom of all boys!  Nothing stays nice at my house.  We have the “lived in” look.

Creating your new house to be your home is essential after a move.  It helps you to feel more at home even though you may have moved far far away from what you called home.  Painting a room can dramatically change it and it’s so very cheap to do.   My husband has learned not to ask when he sees me with paint brush in hand.  He knows I’m tackling the house to make it more “homey” and let’s be honest – it keeps my mind focused so that I’m not having the pity party about moving.  Oh and just a tip – always pick neutral color tones for resale value if you think you might move again.  Red paint can scare away all those buyers who are not DIY connoisseurs.

About a year ago I came across this jewel….
The-nesting-place-bookThis book is absolutely a great book for decorator wannabes like me.  It’s called The Nesting Place by Myquillyn Smith.  She’s also known as The Nestor with her blog called Nesting Place.  She is a mom of all boys and has moved WAY more than I have (I know that’s hard to believe).  Anyway, she has great tips on how to make a house a home.  One thing I learned from her book is anything can be beautiful AND it doesn’t have to be perfect. It makes much more sense to buy used and incorporate in your design.  There’s nothing worse than buying some brand new beautiful piece of furniture to  watch it slowly be destroyed by three rough and messy little boys.  God love them.   Don’t get me wrong – there are times when new is necessary (like mattresses – eeeewww to used).   But the stuff in your house that doesn’t have to work the most, like accent furniture, could  be bought used for a financially better decision.

When we move I try to sell the stuff that doesn’t work for us. Research and join an online garage sale group for your new neighborhood or surrounding area on Facebook.  It is a great way to sell your stuff without the scariness of Craigslist.  Once you got some extra cash in your pocket, then start stalking watching that online group or Craigslist for the things you need to fill the space in your new house.  A little paint can do wonders for a cheap find!  Take a look at this little dresser I bought off Craigslist for our guest room.  Paid $30 for it and it turned out to be Bassett (so you know its good quality!)  What a difference paint made for that sad little piece.
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Also when it comes to artwork and hanging things on the wall, think outside the box.  You don’t have to spend tons of money on art.  I made these pictures for our guest bathroom from scrapbook paper!  I just traced a silhouette of the object and cut it out and placed on top of fun patterned piece of cardstock.  Instant art!  That cardstock cost me a whole $1 and those frames were on clearance at Joann’s for $3 each!

Just thought I would share some of my money saving tips along to you.  I’m sure there will be more to come in the future for me to share.  Remember, – used isn’t always bad!  Homemade isn’t always hard!  Just takes a little more thought, imagination and time that’s all.  Happy decorating!
